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Jan 30, 2006, 03:13 AM
Co-Admin Geezer
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Beatle References in the Powerpuff Girls Episode 'Meet the Beat Alls'...
I finally got a copy of this episode and this morning I sat down to try and catalogue as many references as I could see. This is what I got. Enjoy!
5.37 - The evil gang says "We'll be known as the Super Beat Alls!" which sounds a lot to me like a play-on-words to 'Silver Beatles'. Then it was shortened down to just 'The Beat Alls'.
5.42 - The screen then goes dark and the Beat Alls faces become half-black and greyscale a lá the cover to Meet / With the Beatles.
5.42 - The opening chord to A Hard Days Night is heard.
5.49 - A crowd of screaming girls run towards the camera and the narrater says "Screaming girls whenever the Beat Alls come on the scene."
5.51 - The Abbey Road cover image appears and the Beat Alls walk over it.
5.55 - The Narrater says "Individually it had been a long and winding road."
5.59 - The narrater says "The Beat Alls, or the Bad Four as they are also known had finally conquered Townsville." A play on the nickname 'The Fab Four' and a reference to the Beatles finally conquering America.
6.00 - The Beat Alls rob a bank. Mojo says "Now give me money, that's what I want!"
6.08 - The narrater says that the group are getting "Hit after hit after hit."
6.28 - Him says "Goo goo ga joob" before blasting the Powerpuff Girls.
6.39 - Fuzzy is described as 'The Shy one who provides the rock' - this is how George was described.
6.48 - The narrater says "Thus the brutish invasion had begun". A play-on words and a reference to the British invasion which the Beatles started.
6.55 - The Beat Alls drop a rock onto the Powerpuff Girls. When the camera moves up they're positions are identical to the cover of the Please Please Me LP.
7.02 - The Beat Alls are shown attacking the cartoon-style Beatles (from the American cartoons) on stage.
7.03 - The narrater says "The Beat Alls had a ticket to ride."
7.08 - When Mojo holds up the crowd after attacking the cartoon Beatles he says "Will the people in the cheaper seats leave, and if the rest of you could hand over your jewellry." This is a reference to Lennon's quip at the end of the Royal Variety Performance where he tells the people in the cheaper seats to clap their hands and for the rest to rattle their jewellry.
7.11 - A series of photographs flash on screen of the Beat Alls making various faces. This is taken from the Hard Days Night movie when George was shown doing this at the reporters party.
7.15 - The wanted poster looks a lot like the cover for the "A Hard Days Night" LP.
7.20 - The chief officer makes a press statement. He says "My name is Sgt. Pepper of the Townsville police.". Sgt. Pepper looks identical to Seaman Fred from the Yellow Submarine movie.
7.31 - Sgt. Pepper says in the press conference "Help, we need somebody. Help, not just anybody. Help, we need the Powerpuff Girls."
7.42 - The reporter who appears looks just like the reporter Eric Idle played in the Rutles movie 'All You Need is Cash'.
7.49 - The reporter says "As they say, Tomorrow Never Knows."
7.51 - The reporter gives his name as Stuart Best. This is a double reference to past band members Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best.
7.52 - The reporter then says "This has been a day in the life."
8.01 - Professor Untonium comes up to the Powerpuff Girls with a newspaper and says "I read the news today, oh boy!"
8.05 - "The Powerpuff Girls read the headline on the paper. It says "Beat Alls Crash Mr. Kites Benefit". This is referring to the Beatles song 'Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite'
8.11 - Professor Untonium starts to quote the lines from Yesterday.
8.18 - Proferssor Untonium says "Sitting here eight days a week."
8.22 - Professor Utonium starts quoting the lines from 'I'm Only Sleeping' - "Everybody seems to think you're lazy. I don't mind; I think they're crazy. You used to be running everywhere at such a speed. Now you think there's no need."
8.35 - Professor Unotium says "Oh, you can't do that!"
8.39 - Professor Utonium says "What will the people of Townsville do when they look for the girls with the sun in their eyes and they're gone?" This is a take from a lyric in the song 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'.
8.46 - Professor Utonium says "You have to realise that the Beat Alls are just a rock band."
8.57 - Professor Utonium says "Mojo Jojo thought he was a man who was a loner but he knew it couldn't last. He's just getting by with a little help from his friends." The first sentence is a line from Get Back and the second is from With a Little Help From My Friends.
9.09 - The Powerpuff Girls ask "Can we really break up the Beat Alls? Is that possible?" and Professor Utonium replies with "Oh yes, I'm sure it happens all the time". Again, another line from With a Little Help From my friends.
9.13 - Professor Utonium groups the girls up and says "Listen, do you wanna know a secret?"
9.18 - THe narrater says "It sounds like the professor has some magical mystery tricks up his sleeve!"
9.28 - The Beat Alls break into a bank. Mojo declares "I want to hold your cash!"
9.34 - But the bank is already being robbed. Mojo walks up to a step-ladder with a magnifying glass at the top hanging from the ceiling. On the ceiling in tiny letters is written 'This is a Stick Up'. This is taken from when John first met Yoko Ono. He went to see her art exibition and the first thing he saw was a stepladder. when he walked up it he held the magnifying glass to a tiny word which said 'yes'. He thought that it was an incredible piece and wanted to meet the artist for creating something so positive. Just like what Mojo wanted to do.
9.59 - Mojo meets the artist, a Japanese-looking monkey. The background music sounds just like the introduction for Strawberry Fields Forever.
10.10 - Mojo says to the artist"I've just got to get you into my life."
10.21 - Mojo introduces the artist to the rest of the group. Her name is given as Moko Jono and she's dressed exactly how Yoko Ono was when she and John got married in Gibraltor.
10.30 - The Beat Alls (with Moko) stage a Bed-in.
10.34 - Mojo proclaims that the bed in is a piece called 'Annoyance Crime Number 9'. This is referencing to the conceptual piece by John and Yoko called 'Revolution #9 where 'Number nine' was spoken 13 times.
10.38 - Mojo describes his plan and starts with "Imagine all the people..."
11.05 - Mojo says "It's alright". A line from the song 'Here Comes the Sun'.
11.38 - Moko starts to screech loudly and constantly. This is a reference to Lennon's second solo LP 'Life With the Lions' where Yoko is heard screeching thought all of side 1. As she screeches a series of stills are shown depicting the townspeople all holding up their hands to their ears. The final two stills shown are of the Beatles in the Yellow Submarine cartoon guises.
11.40 - Mojo Jojo is kicked out of the group because of Moko.
11.55 - Him says "Let's get back to where we once belonged."
12.03 - The mayor phones the Powerpuff Girls and says "The Beatles are on the rooftops!". This is referring to the famous 'Rooftop gig' the Beatles performed in 1969. The rooftop design is the same as then too.
12.08 - The major says "They just won't let it be!"
12.20 - Him says to the Powerpuff Girls "Why girls, hello! Goodbye!"
12.25 - Princess Morbucks says "Sorry, but it's time to go!" - a line from the reprise version of Sgt. Peppers.
12.34 - When the Powerpuff Girls are seemingly defeated Him says "I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and I hope we passed the audition." This is exactly what the Beatles said at the end of their rooftop performance.
12.48 - When the Beat Alls are in prison, the police offier Sgt. Pepper is standing there looking even more like Seaman Fred from Yellow Submarine.
13.00 - Mojo looks all around and sees white posters everywhere that say "Beat Alls Are Over". This is referring to the blanket poster campaign by John and Yoko that said "WAR IS OVER".
13.00 - As he sees the posters, Mojo describes them as being 'Here, there and everywhere!"
13.03 - Mojo says "I've got a feeling, a feeling deep inside. A feeling I can't hide. Oh no." The Powerpuff Girls then appear and say "Oh yes!"
13.20 - Mojo says "Now I've found Moko our evil will spread Across the Universe."
13.23 - The Powerpuff Girls sing "Hey Jude" exactly how the song starts.
13.34 - Moko is called by the trainer as Michelle.
13.54 - Mojo was said by Jude that he was giving monkeys a bad name. A number of newspaper articles said that The Beatles were giving music a bad name.
14.21 - Mojo says to Moko "But you took my love away". A reference to the song 'You've Got to Hide Your Love Away'.
14.27 - As the Powerpuff Girls are taking Mojo to jail for 'A Beat Alls reunion' she says "It's like that song 'the love you take is equal to...' Ah, who cares, it's by some dumb old band anyway."
14.31 - The narrater closes the show by saying "I don't really want to stop the show, but you might like to know..."
Another interesting thing to point out - the voice to Him (the effeminate devil) was inspired heavily by the chief Blue Meanie from the Yellow Submarine movie!
Jan 30, 2006, 04:38 AM
Sun King
Join Date: Jun 02, 2005
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Is that a kids show?
Jan 30, 2006, 05:40 AM
Co-Admin Geezer
Join Date: Jun 06, 2000
Location: Devon, England
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It is, yeah. Made by the same people who animated Dexters Laborotory. Normally I don't watch such things but I was curious as to how much of an extent the Beatle references were there. It was pretty cool in that aspect - definitely written by a good Beatle fan!!
Jan 30, 2006, 07:17 AM
Paperback Writer
Join Date: Jun 27, 2005
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I have that episode - and have watched it several times! That's great how you put all of the references on there! There's actually one at the end that you didn't mention:
Mojo says "So..she's NOT a performance criminal?"
And one of the girls says, "Well, I don't know about criminal, but she is a performer -- she plays piano!"
And then Michelle says, Yes, but remember girls - Some day Monkey won't play piano song, play piano song". (This is a reference to the song "Michelle".. the words sung in French).
You've got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues, but no matter what you choose, CHOOSE LOVE!
Jan 30, 2006, 07:41 AM
Co-Admin Geezer
Join Date: Jun 06, 2000
Location: Devon, England
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I thought that might have been something, but the translation for 'Sont les mont que von tres bien ensemble' (I can't spell French, bah!) is 'These are words that go together very well.'
The only thing I can think of is that they were saying the French phoenetically. The line Jude said is similar to the line in French.
Jan 30, 2006, 07:49 AM
Paperback Writer
Join Date: Jun 27, 2005
Location: Lombard, IL
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Right, that's what I meant to say -- the lines sound similar phoenetically, not the English translation.
You've got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues, but no matter what you choose, CHOOSE LOVE!
Jan 30, 2006, 07:59 AM
Co-Admin Geezer
Join Date: Jun 06, 2000
Location: Devon, England
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That's cool. thanks for pointing it out. :-)
Jan 30, 2006, 12:02 PM
Sun King
Join Date: Jan 19, 2006
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I've got to see this episode.
Jan 31, 2006, 06:13 AM
Co-Admin Geezer
Join Date: Jun 06, 2000
Location: Devon, England
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I got my copy on amazon.com for about $2ish (from the marketplace). Luckily I have a DVD player that can play R1 discs too.
Feb 03, 2006, 01:58 PM
Sun King
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I haven't seen the episode for a long time, but I vaguely remember a couple other references:
In one scene where the Beat-Alls are defeating the Powerpuff Girls, one villain says, 'you'd better run for your life if you can, little girl', quoting "Run For Your Life".
At the end of the episode, the words THE END appear on the screen (possibly reference to "The End" from Abbey Road).
I didn't understand the "Michelle" / phonetic rendering until many weeks after seeing the episode. But when I did figure it out, I laughed out loud where I was; it's such a subtle joke that only Beatle fans would be able to figure out.
Last edited by jesgear : Feb 03, 2006 at 02:04 PM.
Reason: misspelling
Jun 09, 2007, 03:13 PM
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The Powerpuff Girls: "Meet the Beat Alls"
"Excuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?" -The 9th Doctor, DOCTOR WHO episode "World War Three"
Jun 11, 2007, 06:44 AM
Sun King
Join Date: Feb 13, 2003
Location: Ohio
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Cool. I did enjoy that episode a lot. I actually got it on DVD and Mojo Jojo does a commentary on it
"You should have thought of that before we left the house"
"Logic?? My God, the man's talking about logic. We're talking about universal Armageddon!" Dr. McCoy, Wrath of Khan
Jan 24, 2009, 07:57 PM
Fool On The Hill
Join Date: Jan 24, 2009
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That Boy
Originally Posted by Harbidge
I finally got a copy of this episode and this morning I sat down to try and catalogue as many references as I could see. This is what I got. Enjoy!
5.37 - The evil gang says "We'll be known as the Super Beat Alls!" which sounds a lot to me like a play-on-words to 'Silver Beatles'. Then it was shortened down to just 'The Beat Alls'.
5.42 - The screen then goes dark and the Beat Alls faces become half-black and greyscale a lá the cover to Meet / With the Beatles.
5.42 - The opening chord to A Hard Days Night is heard.
5.49 - A crowd of screaming girls run towards the camera and the narrater says "Screaming girls whenever the Beat Alls come on the scene."
5.51 - The Abbey Road cover image appears and the Beat Alls walk over it.
5.55 - The Narrater says "Individually it had been a long and winding road."
5.59 - The narrater says "The Beat Alls, or the Bad Four as they are also known had finally conquered Townsville." A play on the nickname 'The Fab Four' and a reference to the Beatles finally conquering America.
6.00 - The Beat Alls rob a bank. Mojo says "Now give me money, that's what I want!"
6.08 - The narrater says that the group are getting "Hit after hit after hit."
6.28 - Him says "Goo goo ga joob" before blasting the Powerpuff Girls.
6.39 - Fuzzy is described as 'The Shy one who provides the rock' - this is how George was described.
6.48 - The narrater says "Thus the brutish invasion had begun". A play-on words and a reference to the British invasion which the Beatles started.
6.55 - The Beat Alls drop a rock onto the Powerpuff Girls. When the camera moves up they're positions are identical to the cover of the Please Please Me LP.
7.02 - The Beat Alls are shown attacking the cartoon-style Beatles (from the American cartoons) on stage.
7.03 - The narrater says "The Beat Alls had a ticket to ride."
7.08 - When Mojo holds up the crowd after attacking the cartoon Beatles he says "Will the people in the cheaper seats leave, and if the rest of you could hand over your jewellry." This is a reference to Lennon's quip at the end of the Royal Variety Performance where he tells the people in the cheaper seats to clap their hands and for the rest to rattle their jewellry.
7.11 - A series of photographs flash on screen of the Beat Alls making various faces. This is taken from the Hard Days Night movie when George was shown doing this at the reporters party.
7.15 - The wanted poster looks a lot like the cover for the "A Hard Days Night" LP.
7.20 - The chief officer makes a press statement. He says "My name is Sgt. Pepper of the Townsville police.". Sgt. Pepper looks identical to Seaman Fred from the Yellow Submarine movie.
7.31 - Sgt. Pepper says in the press conference "Help, we need somebody. Help, not just anybody. Help, we need the Powerpuff Girls."
7.42 - The reporter who appears looks just like the reporter Eric Idle played in the Rutles movie 'All You Need is Cash'.
7.49 - The reporter says "As they say, Tomorrow Never Knows."
7.51 - The reporter gives his name as Stuart Best. This is a double reference to past band members Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best.
7.52 - The reporter then says "This has been a day in the life."
8.01 - Professor Untonium comes up to the Powerpuff Girls with a newspaper and says "I read the news today, oh boy!"
8.05 - "The Powerpuff Girls read the headline on the paper. It says "Beat Alls Crash Mr. Kites Benefit". This is referring to the Beatles song 'Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite'
8.11 - Professor Untonium starts to quote the lines from Yesterday.
8.18 - Proferssor Untonium says "Sitting here eight days a week."
8.22 - Professor Utonium starts quoting the lines from 'I'm Only Sleeping' - "Everybody seems to think you're lazy. I don't mind; I think they're crazy. You used to be running everywhere at such a speed. Now you think there's no need."
8.35 - Professor Unotium says "Oh, you can't do that!"
8.39 - Professor Utonium says "What will the people of Townsville do when they look for the girls with the sun in their eyes and they're gone?" This is a take from a lyric in the song 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'.
8.46 - Professor Utonium says "You have to realise that the Beat Alls are just a rock band."
8.57 - Professor Utonium says "Mojo Jojo thought he was a man who was a loner but he knew it couldn't last. He's just getting by with a little help from his friends." The first sentence is a line from Get Back and the second is from With a Little Help From My Friends.
9.09 - The Powerpuff Girls ask "Can we really break up the Beat Alls? Is that possible?" and Professor Utonium replies with "Oh yes, I'm sure it happens all the time". Again, another line from With a Little Help From my friends.
9.13 - Professor Utonium groups the girls up and says "Listen, do you wanna know a secret?"
9.18 - THe narrater says "It sounds like the professor has some magical mystery tricks up his sleeve!"
9.28 - The Beat Alls break into a bank. Mojo declares "I want to hold your cash!"
9.34 - But the bank is already being robbed. Mojo walks up to a step-ladder with a magnifying glass at the top hanging from the ceiling. On the ceiling in tiny letters is written 'This is a Stick Up'. This is taken from when John first met Yoko Ono. He went to see her art exibition and the first thing he saw was a stepladder. when he walked up it he held the magnifying glass to a tiny word which said 'yes'. He thought that it was an incredible piece and wanted to meet the artist for creating something so positive. Just like what Mojo wanted to do.
9.59 - Mojo meets the artist, a Japanese-looking monkey. The background music sounds just like the introduction for Strawberry Fields Forever.
10.10 - Mojo says to the artist"I've just got to get you into my life."
10.21 - Mojo introduces the artist to the rest of the group. Her name is given as Moko Jono and she's dressed exactly how Yoko Ono was when she and John got married in Gibraltor.
10.30 - The Beat Alls (with Moko) stage a Bed-in.
10.34 - Mojo proclaims that the bed in is a piece called 'Annoyance Crime Number 9'. This is referencing to the conceptual piece by John and Yoko called 'Revolution #9 where 'Number nine' was spoken 13 times.
10.38 - Mojo describes his plan and starts with "Imagine all the people..."
11.05 - Mojo says "It's alright". A line from the song 'Here Comes the Sun'.
11.38 - Moko starts to screech loudly and constantly. This is a reference to Lennon's second solo LP 'Life With the Lions' where Yoko is heard screeching thought all of side 1. As she screeches a series of stills are shown depicting the townspeople all holding up their hands to their ears. The final two stills shown are of the Beatles in the Yellow Submarine cartoon guises.
11.40 - Mojo Jojo is kicked out of the group because of Moko.
11.55 - Him says "Let's get back to where we once belonged."
12.03 - The mayor phones the Powerpuff Girls and says "The Beatles are on the rooftops!". This is referring to the famous 'Rooftop gig' the Beatles performed in 1969. The rooftop design is the same as then too.
12.08 - The major says "They just won't let it be!"
12.20 - Him says to the Powerpuff Girls "Why girls, hello! Goodbye!"
12.25 - Princess Morbucks says "Sorry, but it's time to go!" - a line from the reprise version of Sgt. Peppers.
12.34 - When the Powerpuff Girls are seemingly defeated Him says "I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and I hope we passed the audition." This is exactly what the Beatles said at the end of their rooftop performance.
12.48 - When the Beat Alls are in prison, the police offier Sgt. Pepper is standing there looking even more like Seaman Fred from Yellow Submarine.
13.00 - Mojo looks all around and sees white posters everywhere that say "Beat Alls Are Over". This is referring to the blanket poster campaign by John and Yoko that said "WAR IS OVER".
13.00 - As he sees the posters, Mojo describes them as being 'Here, there and everywhere!"
13.03 - Mojo says "I've got a feeling, a feeling deep inside. A feeling I can't hide. Oh no." The Powerpuff Girls then appear and say "Oh yes!"
13.20 - Mojo says "Now I've found Moko our evil will spread Across the Universe."
13.23 - The Powerpuff Girls sing "Hey Jude" exactly how the song starts.
13.34 - Moko is called by the trainer as Michelle.
13.54 - Mojo was said by Jude that he was giving monkeys a bad name. A number of newspaper articles said that The Beatles were giving music a bad name.
14.21 - Mojo says to Moko "But you took my love away". A reference to the songs 'You've Got to Hide Your Love Away' and 'This Boy'.
14.27 - As the Powerpuff Girls are taking Mojo to jail for 'A Beat Alls reunion' she says "It's like that song 'the love you take is equal to...' Ah, who cares, it's by some dumb old band anyway."
14.31 - The narrater closes the show by saying "I don't really want to stop the show, but you might like to know..."
Another interesting thing to point out - the voice to Him (the effeminate devil) was inspired heavily by the chief Blue Meanie from the Yellow Submarine movie!
Well, 'But you took my love away' is also a reference to 'This Boy'.
Jan 24, 2009, 11:21 PM
Old Brown Shoe
Join Date: Jun 26, 2008
Location: Denver, Colorado
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This used to be my favorite show when I was a kid! I watched it all the time but, I don't remember this episode. :(
"Once upon a time there were three
little boys called john, george and paul,
by named christened. They decided to get
together because they were the getting-together
type. When they were together they wondered
what for after all, what for? So all of a sudden
they all grew guitars and formed a noise."
"I'm always getting winked at these days" ♥
Jan 25, 2009, 04:52 AM
Sun King
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I also remember one of them saying "you're going nowhere, man!"
...it must have been one of them unidentified flying cupcakes.
Jan 25, 2009, 07:15 AM
Sun King
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I love that episode! I still have the DVD which I remember begging for when it came out. Lol, the commentary for that episode is done by Mojo Jojo and he speaks pretty much the whole thing in Beatle lyrics!
"You should have thought of that before we left the house"
"Logic?? My God, the man's talking about logic. We're talking about universal Armageddon!" Dr. McCoy, Wrath of Khan
Apr 22, 2009, 01:28 PM
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"Excuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?" -The 9th Doctor, DOCTOR WHO episode "World War Three"
Apr 23, 2009, 01:31 AM
Sun King
Join Date: Jan 09, 2003
Location: Back to Macau, my Homeland...
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I know this episode for some time. It's cute they meet their known enemies with Beatles references...
Favorite Beatle: George (1943-2001)
Favorite Beatle year(s): 1966, 1967*, 1968
(*1967 was the year that My Guy was born... my favorite Guy...)
My Quote for George:
"A Butterfly Flying Around Me Saying Goodbye!"
God Bless You, George... Love ya...
" GEORGE ! You just give me stripes, moustache and a smile... cause You're So Fine!"
Song to remember the Past: "In My Life"
Just call me Cloud or GOC9
Apr 23, 2009, 03:57 AM
Wild Honey Pie
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I find Yoko's counterpart so cool and cute. ^__^
"...And I showed up that day with sandals--flipflops, and so-- it was so hot, and I kicked them off and walked across barefooted so they started some rumor that because he was barefooted, he's dead."
- Sir Paul McCartney on Letterman
Last edited by McCartneyGirl909 : Apr 23, 2009 at 04:19 AM.
Apr 23, 2009, 07:07 AM
Paperback Writer
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Inspiration, move me brightly.
Light the song with sense and color;
Hold away despair, more than this I will not ask.
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