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Apr 30, 2004, 12:05 AM
Join Date: Jun 04, 2000
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 60,688
The \"Official\" Birthday List!
So no one will have to search for this topic again, I'm posting this as a sticky note.
Beatlelinks Forum Members Birthdays Part I
1(97) - Beatles_14
2 - Johnnys Girl<3
3(56) - sleepybomb
4(88) - DizzymissLizzy909 (Lizzy)
4-Marmalade Skies (Carly)
5 - jive2keys
6(88) - Anuke
9(78) - L'Angelo Misterioso
12 - beatlelover45223 (Nancy)
12(67) - Sally
12(88) - Semolina_Pilchard
15(79) - Sentimentalist
16 - LitlLennon (Chey)
18(64) - JDanRyan (Jim)
19(65) - Tim
22(63) - dav-here (Dave)
23(78) - onosideboards (Stacia)
24 - Mz. Strawberry Lennon
24(67) - 62hofner
24(81) - BrazilianFlag (Anna)
24(89) - Beatles_scruff
26(85) - El_LeaN
27(86) - NorthernSong
28(87) - i_am_free
28(92) - McCartney-rocks(Andrew)
2(83) - Harbidge (Mike)
2(69) - MacLen Walrus
3(69) - joelcrowservo (David)
4(79) - Siobhan
6(65) - backtotheegg (Dominick)
7(73) - Beatleboy
8(85) - EnglishRain
8(91) - MaccaGirl2891 (Jaye)
13 - Frightwolf
13(90) - BeatleBetti
16(83) - shyGirl (Steph)
17(53) - angelgodiva
18(85) - mojolawoman
18 - Vertical Mom
19(92) - thisisalex
21 - zonymous007
24 - Original Fan
24 - Sexy_Sadie (Chelsi)
25(80) - beatlesquia
25(81) - Cecilia
25(88) - LateForTea (Hazel)
25(90) - McCartneyGirl909 (Katrina)
26(89) - MaccaLennonGirl (Katie)
27(65) - nightfishsnake
28(75) - Jason Byzewski
28(91) - luvsthebeatles
28 - Jocelyn
1 - Clark Kent
2(87) - BeatlesFan4life
3 - Epiphany
5 - stuck inside a cloud
8(64) - SleepyHead
8(81) - BeatleChick
10(86) - macca4eva
11(85) - Pisces_Fish
12 - sparrowvelvet
12(87) - atalanta
14- (72) -jagatinho
14 - AHarrison
15(73) - jami (Jami)
15 - Anna Michelle
16(63) - Magill (Nancy)
16 - aarathi
17(72) - OzBeatleFan
17(77) - rubbersoulster_mel (Melissa)
17(89) - Opa
17(90) - Johnny Lover
23(52) - pltsthngs
23(85) - beatlesjiliang
24- This Boy
25 - penny143
28(84) - lennon4 (Kristin)
28(87) - Flying
28 - mari
28(90) - Darkaardvark
29(65) - MalEvans (Charlie)
31(53) - Roger
1 - Rellevart (Suzanne)
1(80) - moina
2 - JudithKristen
5(58) - JCB410
6(57) - bobdude
6(72) - PaulisMine
7(74) - Fly
8 - lennonk
10(83) - jz2001
11 - ShowTunes (Aviva)
12(52) - jtal909
15 - kiminacloud
16 - Isai
18- Cass
20(87) - Her majesty
21(92) - ilianna
21 - Annagyijjk
23(61) - joan (Cecilia)
23(85) - DizzyDevil2003
24(76) - beatlemad
24(78) - beatals
24(78) - shonatinik
24(78) - george_on_cloud9
26(85) - starchild01
28(70) - SF4-EVER (Sandra)
28 - ThingsGoRound
28(80) - Johnny-Girl
29(87) - smilie
30(69) - Angelle
3(87) - hellogoodbye
4(87) - Beatle_Kitten (Bria)
4(89) - I love Paul
5 - Glen V
6(59) - wetnap
7 - lovely rita mcc
7 - yellowbulldog
7(89) - beatles_gal
7(89) - SgtPeppers
7(95) - MavvyMcCartney75
8(81) - Freda_Peeple
9 - FillTheAlbertHall
10(86) - LovinLennon909
11(93) - PennyMyDear(Lisa)
12(93) - heyjude
12(54) - Beatle4
13 - Dominic
13 - ShadyHarrison
15(90) - beatles fan
15(89) - milina
15(84) - lucyinthesky_84
16(90) - bearkat08
16(90) - evolution#9 (Kayla)
18(89) - Sgt.McCartney (Aaron)
19 - Beatles'girl123
19 - I♥TheBeatles
21(88) - beatlewho01-02
21(95) - FrozenTennis
23(62) - Ric325
23(80) - StrawberryShorty (Kristina)
23(82) - BeatleBonJoviFan (Jill)
25(55) - Starry-eyed (Sheila)
25(88) - Prelly
26 - beatlegirlbelle (Belle)
29(85) - Maggie Mae (Lindsay)
29(89) - belongs_2_george
29(80) - coolbeanie
30(52) - joe (Joe)
30(85) - LilLennon
1(88) - hippychicky1970
1-(92) - karara bear
3(45) - joenamherst
5 -dark horse 1978
6(84) - Isn't it good
7(88) - Ruby Soho
7(89) - honey_pie (Zach)
7 - Celebrian
8(96) - Miss Nani Moonlight
10 - onebluemeanie
11(85) - JulianTheory
13(88) - Sgt Beatle (Jessica)
15(79) - Boogaloo Sixty-Four
15 -montelimat
16(60) - C-Moon (Nancy)
18(97) - John Lemon
19(87) - unapplebonked (Cat)
20(87) - zonker (Alexander)
20(88) - MissusLennon (Angela)
20(90)- GuitarGURLKAR (Kelly)
21(77) - Stella
22 - Blue Jay
23(88) - ahme623 (Sarah)
24(83) - LennonLegend83 (Laura)
24(86) - Love Fest1969
24(86) - RingoFrk
29(82) - IWantToTellYou (Valerie)
Last edited by beatlelover45223 : Jun 07, 2012 at 09:41 PM.
Apr 30, 2004, 12:05 AM
Join Date: Jun 04, 2000
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 60,688
Re: The \"Official\" Birthday List!
Beatlelinks Forum Members Birthdays Part II
1(87) - Lucy_In_The_Sky
1(81) - MaccaTwst9 (Liz)
1(78) - Darthfranz
2(79) - Beatle79 (Patty)
4(63) - Asha (Sheri)
4(94) - Beatlemaniagirl
6(79) - Nowhere Man (Boris)
7(54) - John Cee
7(80) - MonaMe577 (Lisa)
7(85) - kenny willis
7(88) - Pammy's in black
8(91) - HoneyPie (Veronica)
8(87) - Fran
8(81) - Yellow_Beatles_Submarine (Holly Ann)
9(76) - Mccartneyluvr
11(83) - Rafael Robledo
11(81) - SnarkyKat (Katharina)
13(78) - ImaginePeace78 (Kristie)
14(83) - AnotherGirl83
14(74) - El Gos Coix
15(82) - bitagirl (Cynthia)
15(80) - Magical Mystery Girl (Lisa)
16(89) - Let It Rot
17(91) - See_How_They_Run (Andrew)
20(80) - kaleidoscope_eyes (Yael Tami)
20(84) - Miss Wendy Winters
20(87) - Sgt Revolver
21 - vanishedinthehaze
26 - IamtheWalrus
27(83) - Beatlette
28(87) - MaccaGirl (Nichole)
29(73) - raul
29(77) - Cream Tangerine
30 - EleonorIntheSky
30 - kayinthelife
1(74) - taxman
1(78) - BeatNick (Nick)
3(86) - hrddysnt47 (Allison)
3(89) - looney_leo (Tanith)
3 - Get Back
3(89) - DizzySaxophone
4(82) - Amalthea (Carola)
4(85) - laura
4(89) - RubberSoul (Kay)
4 - herbskillet
4 - ImagineLifeWithPeace
4 - Kaleidoscope.eyes
5(62) - Lynner (Lynn)
5(75) - edubeltran
6(58) - instant karla (Carla)
8(63) - SoftTouch
8(64) - Kasey1964 (Kasey)
8(84) - HeyBeatle (Laura)
9(66) - ChrisG134 (Chris)
10- beatlesfan_linzy
11 - Esmirelda
11 - GeorgieGirl
12(87) - Drumhead15 (Ashley)
12(88) - fifthofnovember
15(90) - mluque125 (Maria)
16(49) - maetta
18(82) - Billie_Shears (Billie)
19 - GirlWithKaleidoscopeEyes
19(60) - jule
20(50) - powderpuff
21(86) - Strawberry Fields (Molly)
22(57) - taxgirl (Adri)
22(81) - Daisy Chain Clouds
24(81) - LuvLennon (Claudia)
25 - BeatleBabe21 (Aubrey)
25(86) - imagine
26(78) - FiendishThingy
27(65) - lisa465
27(67) - donnamariemoreno27 (Donna)
27 - ronsloverbunny (Anna)
28(54) - McCharlenstar
29(89) - beatles_freak_457
30(85) - Feef_The_Hippy (Fiona)
31 - David Bigcheeseplant
2(88) - SarahMcCartney
3 - LenieBugg (Helene)
5 - Ilove77Georgie
5 (95) - Kaye.Lennon
6(96) - Revolution1999
7(86) - PennyLane (Natalie)
9(77) - beatlegirl9977 (Tina)
11(89) - seasidewomen
12(87) - Pepperland Kamer (jad2k1)
12(84) - The BeatleMan (Andrew)
14(87) - Hari Krishna (Denise)
16 - LadyMichelleBelle (Michelle)
16(76) - Sara
16 - 834
18(60) - PhilSpecter
18(80) - bluemaryryan (Luis)
19(87) - Lucy in the diamond sky (Sophia)
21 - .Psychedelic.Stars.
21(88) - Ashes
21(85) - Flamingheather
23(63) - Cyn1963
24(71) - Jerry (Our Webmaster)
25(81) - EnchantingLennon
25 - JimmyMcCullochFan
27 - enigmatic
27 - Sexie Sadie
27(86) - Georgia (Linda)
28(66) - durstie (Lisa)
28(66) - kjrocks_1 (Karen)
29(84) - PaulsPrincess (Amanda)
29(88) - mystickara (Kara Marie)
30(86) - dyermaker1040
30(91) - Drummer93091 (Tony)
4(63) - theloveyoutake (Dave)
4 - Slarti59
5(67) - idigapigmi
6(52) - chaitanya (Claudio)
6(80) - alliesun (Allie)
7(61) - HMVNipper (Susan)
7(72) - kazgirl
7(73) - Legs (Richard)
7 - Mrs.Mustard
7(96) - CookieFace
7 - Jessica
8 - VersusBatman
8(83) - mindgames (Daniel)
8(83) - NovaLee
9(80) - Apple Scruff
9 - Roxy Starkey
9-(87) FrenziedFan
10(76) Starshyne
12(88) - btlesongirl1024
12 - Beatle Girl
12 - I've Just Seen A Face
13(68) - BGs4ever
14(58) - bearkat77 (Rocky)
14 (90) - ilovethewalrus
14 (96) - LetThereBeMusic
15(85) - BlueMeanie_64
15(90) - Cardboard.canvas
15 - TheFool
16(52) - eastwestlady
20(83) - Beatle Chick
24 - justanothergirl
24(86) - Beatleicious (Kate/Stacy)
25(56) - oldbeatlechick
25(82) - darkhorse (Cristian)
25 - Beatle_Soul
26 - mccartneymaniac
27(78) - EasternBird
27(87) - Lizzy
28 - feelfab
30(79) - SandySunshine
31(92) - Majintaix
2 - Mr.Mustard
2(79) - erinluv182
3(61) - Blackguard
3(61) - Johnna Lynn
5(74) - rhythmaster (Harry)
6 - Dr.WinnieO'Boogie
6(81) - leonardobeat (Leonardo)
7 - PM (Pat)
7- the ninth walrus
7(94) - JohnWOL
8(88) - Bexy_Starkey
8(95) - Yesterday13
9 - CloudNineGirl
9(78) - Lucy (Lucy)
9(88) - strawberrychick (Emily)
10 - IMeMine1969
11 - rhythmknights
11 - Semolinapilchard
11(60) - Danoota64 (Sue)
12 - thecaitycat
12(81) - glory
13 - BeatlesScruff (Tiff Lennon)
13(84) - LadyQuianaMcCartney
13(83) - guitargirl
14 - zipp
14(87) - Oh my love
14(89) - StrawberryFieldsFanNo9 (Anna)
15(95) - thebeatlesgirl14
16(81) - beatlemethisbeatlemethat (Stefanie)
16(87) - biglou114 (Sam)
17 - digdad
18(93) - TheBeatles193
19(54) - deb7bie (Debbie)
20 - Grace
20 - george<3
24(54) - mysweetGeorgegirl
25(88) - octopus's garden
25(85) - Nowheregirl
26(55) - BeatleBoots
28 - For no one
29 - Apple
1(84) - Sarandipity (Sara)
2(87) - One_Sweet_Dream (Gabrielle)
2(87) - Sunshine (Sandy)
3(80) - pepperland67
5 - Loving Lennon
5(86) - Ana_Lennon
8(66) - VivianC
8(86) - LennonReincarnate (Caro)
9(84) - beatlemaniac
10 - Mean Mister Mustard
10 - MithrilGuitar (Emily)
14 -(83) JonnyLytnin
16(80) - anurag
17(65) - scott500
17(82) - love.paul_4ever (Maxie)
18(61) - beatlesno9
18(61) - ringostomtom
19(54)- Beatle Corinne
20(79) - NaomiMcCartney
20(89) - beatlegirl273 (Sarah)
21(71) - Number Nine
21 - Brainwashed
22(90) - lennongirl
24(56) - FPSHOT (Rob)
25(90) - The_King_Of_Marigold
26 - Thrillington
26(97) - Youngfab4fan
27(98) - LennonLover909
28(85) - LittleDarlin909
29(89) - fourside(joe)
31 - lennonluvr9 (Celeste)
31(87) - Jamers1234
Last edited by beatlelover45223 : Jul 26, 2013 at 10:57 PM.
Reason: removed person's birthday at their request
Aug 22, 2006, 05:04 PM
Join Date: Feb 13, 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 19,960
Your added to the birthday list FrenziedFan
"the love you take, is equal to the love you make"
~ Nancy ~
Aug 24, 2006, 04:25 PM
Apple Scruff
Join Date: Aug 20, 2006
Location: Going Back To The Top Of The Slide
Posts: 123
Could you add me to the list? February 19, 1969, Pisces like George.
And I don't remember being born; it must have happened during one of my blackouts. (I know it's not a Beatles phrase, it's the Doors, but I love that line)!
..."I vaguely mind anyone knowing anything I don't know." --Paul, late 1966
Aug 24, 2006, 05:19 PM
Apple Scruff
Join Date: Aug 15, 2006
Location: Near St. Louis, MO
Posts: 121
Can you please add me? October 8, 1976
The day before John's birthday and I am almost one year to the day younger than Sean.
Aug 24, 2006, 07:13 PM
Join Date: Feb 13, 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 19,960
your added to the birthday list MacLen Walrus
"the love you take, is equal to the love you make"
~ Nancy ~
Aug 24, 2006, 07:16 PM
Join Date: Feb 13, 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 19,960
welcome to the birthday list Starshyne
"the love you take, is equal to the love you make"
~ Nancy ~
Sep 18, 2006, 09:55 PM
Little Child
Join Date: Apr 14, 2001
Location: Yogyakarta. Indonesia
Posts: 57
Will you add mine too, bearkat77? its May 3rd 1983
John Lennon: Life is what happen to you while you're busy making other plans..
Sep 19, 2006, 05:02 PM
Join Date: Feb 13, 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 19,960
your added to the birthday list hellogoodbye !
"the love you take, is equal to the love you make"
~ Nancy ~
Oct 19, 2006, 01:47 AM
Fool On The Hill
Join Date: Oct 19, 2006
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 16
Wow, so many other people with the same birthday as me!
February 25th (1988)
Oct 19, 2006, 11:10 PM
Join Date: Jun 04, 2000
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 60,688
I went ahead and added you to the list, LateForTea.
Oct 27, 2006, 09:00 AM
Paperback Writer
Join Date: Oct 18, 2006
Location: Strawberry Fields
Posts: 2,604
Mine is on October 12th, only 3 days after John's birthday.
Oct 27, 2006, 08:31 PM
Join Date: Jun 04, 2000
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 60,688
Welcome to the list, Beatle Girl.
Nov 27, 2006, 08:50 PM
Day Tripper
Join Date: Nov 25, 2006
Location: In a Yellow Submarine
Posts: 361
Can you add me? August 10. Yay!! I'm unique!!! lol!
do you want to know a secret?
Nov 27, 2006, 09:54 PM
Join Date: Feb 13, 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 19,960
Your added to the birthday list linzy!
"the love you take, is equal to the love you make"
~ Nancy ~
Nov 28, 2006, 12:47 AM
Apple Scruff
Join Date: Oct 27, 2006
Location: 3rd rock from the sun
Posts: 136
please add me to the list :D
1st June 1992. thanks !!
“You know, I'm not one of these people that just because I've done all that I now become Superman. You can't touch me. You know, you can touch me. I'm very, unfortunately, very reachable,” Sir Paul McCartney
Nov 28, 2006, 06:36 PM
Join Date: Feb 13, 2003
Location: USA
Posts: 19,960
Your added to the birthday list karara bear
"the love you take, is equal to the love you make"
~ Nancy ~
Dec 03, 2006, 02:45 PM
Fool On The Hill
Join Date: Nov 26, 2006
Location: pleasant valley
Posts: 26
Mine is sept. 29th, '88
memories are like little keepsakes, so treasure them and live life to the fullest!
Dec 03, 2006, 08:09 PM
Join Date: Jun 04, 2000
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 60,688
You're now added to the list, Kara.
Jan 20, 2007, 12:42 AM
Nowhere Man
Join Date: May 04, 2006
Posts: 234
Mine's apr 18th
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