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Old Jun 16, 2003, 07:11 AM   #1
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Default 1963-06-17 - BBC Radio - The Beatles

June 17, 1963 - 10:30 A.M.-1:00 P.M.
The Beatles
Interviewed By Lee Peters
Studio Five, Maida Vale Studios, London, United Kingdom
Broadcast On June 25, 1963, 5:00-5:20 P.M. On BBC Light Programme, Pop Go The Beatles #4

LEE PETERS: And you may well wonder who it was the Beatles saw standing there. Well it could have been Sheila Sylvia of the Horseshoe's High Wickham, 'cause she's been standing around, waiting for her card to be read. Hey, Paul? Paul, how do you feel after that fabulous twenty-first birthday party I hear you had?
PAUL: Ah, great, yeah, we had a great time.
LEE PETERS: Tell me, tell me, was Harry there?
PAUL: Yeah, with his box.
PAUL: Yeah.
LEE PETERS: The box is all right, is he?
PAUL: Turned out fine.
PAUL: All the best.
LEE PETERS: You feel like a man now?
PAUL: Yeah, I feel great, thanks Lee.
PAUL: Having a great time.

LEE PETERS: "Anna", with John Lennon taking the lead. You know John, I'm very very glad that you sang that.
JOHN: Jolly good, really.
LEE PETERS: Yes, I'm very - I'm particularly glad for Gwendolyn Hopkin, of Lenton Abbey Estate in Nottingham, because she says that she wouldn't love you anymore if you hadn't sung it.
JOHN: Ah hee hee hee.
LEE PETERS: Aren't you glad?
JOHN: Yes.
LEE PETERS: It's also for Valerie King of Temple Fortune, and Miss Elle Gosene of Greenway Avenue, Walten, Slough, and it was requested for them, by their friends, Suzanna, Paula Lotton of Finsley, London. Say hello.
JOHN: Hello.
LEE PETERS: Okay, take five boys.

LEE PETERS: Now here's a real treat. He sits up there keeping the boys on the beat, is our Ringo. And lots of fans think that's a bit unfair. So, here is Ringo Starr to read some of your cards. Here, pick two, Ringo.
RINGO: Oh, there you go. Um, this one's for all the girls at Lower Fourth in Blackburn House, Liverpool.
PAUL: Oh, that was our sister school.
JOHN: I was at college just near there, you know!
RINGO: College puddin'!
JOHN: Shut up.
RINGO: Well, you're posh. Also for Jill, Janet, Mary, Brenda, Lynn, and... Diana my dog? From Wakefield, Yorkshire.
LEE PETERS: Well, that'll do. How about it, do you feel ready Ringo?
RINGO: Oh, very fit.
LEE PETERS: Okay, "Boys".

LEE PETERS: They're right, you know, he can sing, can Ringo. And as a matter of fact, Carolyn Hill and Jane Richards of Bognor think he's marvellous, and they also think that George should be called gorgeous. Well gorgeous, would you mind reading this card please?
GEORGE: Um, please sing "Chains", as we think it is absolutely fab. Love, Ross and Cathy of Norton Road, Wembley. Thank you, Ross and Cathy.
LEE PETERS: Oh, that's your posh voice, ain't it? That was George. So, the boys remove their shackles now to give us another track from their LP, "Chains".

LEE PETERS: These girls are worried. Jillian Archer and Patricia McLean, where do they come from? Hamill, that's right. They're worried because it doesn't say on the LP who sings this next song. Who does?
PAUL: I do.
LEE PETERS: Well who are you?
PAUL: Paul.
LEE PETERS: Oh, that seems to take care of that. Oh no, uh "PS I Love You".

LEE PETERS: Now, what's come to be known as a bumper bundle. We've had more cards than we can count asking for this next one from the Beatles. I'll just hand them round then we'll all read one each. Okay, fellas? Fine.
PAUL: Thank you.
LEE PETERS: What does yours say, George?
GEORGE: Ah, this is for Irene and Sandra Lennon, brackets, no relation to John, brackets. And also for our Irene.
LEE PETERS: Fair enough. Uh, Ringo?
RINGO: This one's for Steve Mansfield who's in Thursby Ward County Hospital, from his sister JANE Mansfield?
LEE PETERS: What have you got John?
JOHN: I've got one for Lillian and Margaret, and also for little Sharon, what is only free.
LEE PETERS: Ah. Paul, your turn.
PAUL: This is for Forms 3X and 3C, at Wanstead County High School, from Eddie, Terky, Judy, ah, thousands of them.
LEE PETERS: Millions of 'em. Everybody wants to hear it, let's hear it. "Twist And Shout"!
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