Welcome to the beginning of the April contest. As always, the rules are listed below...
<LI>The winner of the previous months contest is not permitted to take part of this months contest. This is to ensure that other people have a chance to win.
<LI>You may only post one answer to a question before the contest moderator declares whether or not the question has been answered. If it has not been answered correctly then you may post once again. If someone has posted twice then they are disqualified from the question.
<LI>Any people who edit their posts are disqualified from the question.
<LI>The moderators decision is final.[/list]
Good luck 

Paul is Dead - The Conclusive Evidence - "The biggest and most informative website on the internet about the biggest rock 'n' roll conspiracy of the 20th century."
The Definitive Introducing the Beatles Authentification Guide - "Fantastic site. One of a kind in this subject and a site that all collectors can refer too."
TVGhosts - Exploring the fantastic phenomena known as TVGhosts. Faces that appear in turned off televisions in photographs.