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Nov 10, 2011, 07:54 AM
Join Date: May 28, 2001
Location: Chicago Area, IL, USA
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I chose to de-Lennonize "Move Over Ms. L." when I self-published it as Lyon's Legacy to avoid copyright issues. (Though I could always claim the story takes place in an alternate universe if necessary.) I moved the story from Liverpool to Chicago, had the rock star raised by his grandmother instead of his aunt, and made several other changes. My reviewers and editor didn't connect Sean Lyon with John Lennon when they read it; when I told my editor who Sean was based on, she said it worked better with Sean than with John. Funny enough, Sean's last name was Quinn at one point, until I found out it was the name of a real contemporary musician! I wanted a regal-sounding Irish surname, so that's why I chose "Lyon" instead.
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My novella, Lyon's Legacy, about a scientist traveling back to the TwenCen to visit her fictional rock star ancestor, is now available as an e-book from Amazon, B&N, and Smashwords and in paper from CreateSpace and Amazon.
Nov 10, 2011, 09:04 AM
Wild Honey Pie
Join Date: Nov 25, 2002
Location: Aurora, Colorado, USA
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Well, no one's given me a C&D, and I expect they won't until I start getting famous. That's a problem that I won't mind having... it probably helps that I don't have anything disrespectful in the book, like slash or torture or other such stuff, and that I have a point to my book beyond "Beatles and sex."
Nov 10, 2011, 10:09 AM
Dr. Robert
Join Date: Jan 14, 2011
Posts: 1,074
Originally Posted by ShowTunes
Well, no one's given me a C&D, and I expect they won't until I start getting famous. That's a problem that I won't mind having... it probably helps that I don't have anything disrespectful in the book, like slash or torture or other such stuff, and that I have a point to my book beyond "Beatles and sex."
Slash isn't disrespectful. WOndering if the BEatles had same-sex relations isn't disrespectful especially if the person has no problem with the idea. (I've wondered about many people in that way)
slash got as many clues hidden in Beatles songs and album cover images as PID does. Even more so actually. and Paul is always saying slashy things to tease the slasher like his latest Rolling Stone article on his move The Love We Make saying his first on screen kiss was with Elton. That's slashy. It doesn't mean he's gay or bi (though we know Elton is) but it is very very slashy. Paul does it all the time.
Nov 10, 2011, 04:55 PM
Wild Honey Pie
Join Date: Nov 25, 2002
Location: Aurora, Colorado, USA
Posts: 534
How is it NOT disrespectful?
Nov 11, 2011, 02:39 AM
Dr. Robert
Join Date: Oct 04, 2001
Location: Scarborough, UK
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Originally Posted by beatlebangs1964
Miss O'Dell! Glad you're back in town with this directory! 
Thanks Beatlebangs! :)
Nov 11, 2011, 02:46 AM
Dr. Robert
Join Date: Oct 04, 2001
Location: Scarborough, UK
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Originally Posted by misfittoy
I'm just wondering how they can sell stuff with the Beatles name on it and not get in trouble for copywrites and image and stuff. That's why I haven't bothered to sell my Beatles stories in a self-published format. (With the creepy people following me around, I know they'd report it in an instant but then that might work in my favor with a controversy....hmmmm....maybe I will look into it more...)
But I'm still wondering. Think you might ever get a cease and desist letter from Yoko? (Paul would only care if you made X amount of money off it first, I say)
Miss ODell, I hope you enjoy what stories of mine that you do choose to read. Yes, they run the gamut. Some cruel PIDers who consider me enemy number 2 (Paul's number one) only focus on the dirty ones but I write so much more then that in regards to the Beatles. I write occult, fluff and humor and drama too. It's just that the slash smut gets more hits and I get more comments in those groups so I cater to them more.
There have been cases of legal action against websites for people offended by slash, most famously when an American football team sued Fandomination - however, I don't *think* they won (but I'm not sure). That's was what lead to sites like Fanfiction.net removing all RP fan fiction. (Although, have you noticed theirs now lots of Beatles fan fics on there?!) As for Yoko sending you a cease and desist, I think you're more likely to get one from Apple (Ha - just a joke!) Its possible, but I think they will already be aware of the existence of fan fiction and slash with that and haven't shut anyone down that I'm aware of.
Nov 11, 2011, 05:12 AM
Dr. Robert
Join Date: Jan 14, 2011
Posts: 1,074
Originally Posted by ShowTunes
How is it NOT disrespectful?
YOu tell me how it is disrespectful.
Is writing a story where a Beatle has sex with a female disrespectful?
Then why is it disrespectful if one writes about a Beatle having sex with a guy? It's just your own attitude about male/male relationships. (plus, many believe John was bisexual)
Nov 11, 2011, 05:13 AM
Dr. Robert
Join Date: Jan 14, 2011
Posts: 1,074
Originally Posted by Miss O'Dell
There have been cases of legal action against websites for people offended by slash, most famously when an American football team sued Fandomination - however, I don't *think* they won (but I'm not sure). That's was what lead to sites like Fanfiction.net removing all RP fan fiction. (Although, have you noticed theirs now lots of Beatles fan fics on there?!) As for Yoko sending you a cease and desist, I think you're more likely to get one from Apple (Ha - just a joke!) Its possible, but I think they will already be aware of the existence of fan fiction and slash with that and haven't shut anyone down that I'm aware of.
We were wondering about fanfiction.net. and it's not RP fiction. It's called Historical fiction in the case of the Beatles.
Nov 11, 2011, 08:03 AM
Dr. Robert
Join Date: Oct 04, 2001
Location: Scarborough, UK
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Originally Posted by misfittoy
We were wondering about fanfiction.net. and it's not RP fiction. It's called Historical fiction in the case of the Beatles.
RP stands for Real Person (as opposed to fan fiction which uses fictional characters such as Harry Potter or Star Trek, etc).
As far as I know, you're still not allowed to post RP fan fictions on ff.net. People are posting Beatles fan fiction on the Across The Universe (Movie) section, which is annoying a couple of people looking for proper ATU fan fiction. I wouldn't recommend posting stories on there though as you might get deleted should ff.net choose to.
Nov 11, 2011, 08:31 AM
Join Date: May 28, 2001
Location: Chicago Area, IL, USA
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Originally Posted by misfittoy
Then why is it disrespectful if one writes about a Beatle having sex with a guy? It's just your own attitude about male/male relationships. (plus, many believe John was bisexual)
I personally don't have a problem with M/M relationships in fiction (yes, I've read them). If you like them, make up two characters and let them at each other. I do, however, have a problem with distorting the Beatles' personalities to put them in M/M relationships. Even if you speculate John or any of the other Beatles were bisexual to some degree, the vast majority of their behavior was heterosexual. It's like writing a story with modern-day Paul as a carnivore or post-Beatle George as an atheist. I would have problems with those stories too, and the author would really have to do a good job of explaining why these people are so different from the Beatles we already know.
If there is further interest in discussing Beatles slash, I suggest starting a new topic on slash or revisiting an old one. The discussion is currently spread out over two topics. Let's get those back where they once belonged.
My Website
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My novella, Lyon's Legacy, about a scientist traveling back to the TwenCen to visit her fictional rock star ancestor, is now available as an e-book from Amazon, B&N, and Smashwords and in paper from CreateSpace and Amazon.
Nov 11, 2011, 06:02 PM
Join Date: May 23, 2001
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I'm with SF4-EVER on that one. To me, GOOD Beatles' fan fiction stays true to the Beatles' characters and personalities. If Brian met a nice man for a partner or some man had a crush on a Beatle (and a few years ago, in a February issue, there was a really nice story about a man who had a crush on George. It was gentl and sensitive and well written) all right, then that's one thing. I will say that for my own preferences, I dislike:
1. Most Mary-Sue stories
2. Somebody, usually Paul in Pain - I don't like sado-masochistic genre
3. Slash. I personally dislike slash.
I said all along that www.rooftopsessions.com is a place to read a) well-written, well-thought out stories that are plausible and run the range of genres; b) good articles about honing your writing skills. I'm glad it's back!
Nov 11, 2011, 07:10 PM
Day Tripper
Join Date: Apr 21, 2011
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Except Rooftop Sessions isn't back.
Within your soul, you feel them burning, they take control of you
Voices that call you, through feelings inside you
♥ Cupcake
Nov 11, 2011, 10:05 PM
Dr. Robert
Join Date: Jan 14, 2011
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Whether the M/M characterisation is in or out of character for the Beatles is a debatable fact with all four of them. I could go on about this topic as each has diplsayed their own unique characteristics.
and I never heard of rooftop sesions before I came here and I'm very active in many Beatles writing groups.
Nov 12, 2011, 12:19 PM
Dr. Robert
Join Date: Oct 04, 2001
Location: Scarborough, UK
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The Beatles Fan Fiction Directory is now taking new submissions!
The BFFD will list any sort of Beatles Story, Poetry, Essay or prose - if it's Beatles related then it's in! All genres, and both incomplete and complete stories can be listed.
Submit your story here: http://www.beatlesfanfictiondirector...yourstory.html
Please let me know if you have any problems or questions.
Nov 12, 2011, 12:52 PM
Join Date: May 23, 2001
Posts: 37,612
I did hear somewhere that RS is coming back. I don't know, but I certainly hope that it is!
Nov 12, 2011, 12:53 PM
Sgt. Pepper
Join Date: Oct 22, 2010
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It was an old thread from 2009 that was updated, bb. Sorry :/
Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry
Make 'em dance in the aisles
Make 'em pay, make 'em stay
Make 'em feel okay
I'm certainly guilty at times of being lazy.
Nov 13, 2011, 05:16 AM
Dr. Robert
Join Date: Jan 14, 2011
Posts: 1,074
That problem with my name and the link I post being crossed out on LJ is still happening. Also, the name BFFD is crossed out in my posts too.
Nov 13, 2011, 05:16 AM
Dr. Robert
Join Date: Jan 14, 2011
Posts: 1,074
Originally Posted by Miss O'Dell
The Beatles Fan Fiction Directory is now taking new submissions!
The BFFD will list any sort of Beatles Story, Poetry, Essay or prose - if it's Beatles related then it's in! All genres, and both incomplete and complete stories can be listed.
Submit your story here: http://www.beatlesfanfictiondirector...yourstory.html
Please let me know if you have any problems or questions.
Do you really mean all genres?
Nov 13, 2011, 06:37 AM
Dr. Robert
Join Date: Oct 04, 2001
Location: Scarborough, UK
Posts: 1,141
Originally Posted by misfittoy
That problem with my name and the link I post being crossed out on LJ is still happening. Also, the name BFFD is crossed out in my posts too.
I will take a look at this, as it is quite annoying. I did think it had been fixed. Could it be cookies on your LJ? I'll check it out anyway - thanks!
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