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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:help: Help Help
:wave1: Wave1 Wave1
:devil7: Devil7 Devil7
:barf3: Barf3 Barf3
:bigeyes3: Bigeyes3 Bigeyes3
:heart1: Heart1 Heart1
:afraid2: Afraid2 Afraid2
:music2: Music2 Music2
:clown1: Clown1 Clown1
:cross2: Cross2 Cross2
:scream2: Scream2 Scream2
:wink2: Wink2 Wink2
:angry1: Angry1 Angry1
:rolleyes: Rolleyes Rolleyes
:laugh5: Laugh5 Laugh5
:nono4: Nono4 Nono4
:smoking2: Smoking2 Smoking2
:cool1: Cool1 Cool1
:cry3: Cry3 Cry3
:angel4: Angel4 Angel4
:blush4: Blush4 Blush4
:teeth1: Teeth1 Teeth1
:devious: Devious Devious
:rolling1: Rolling1 Rolling1
:eyebrows: Eyebrows Eyebrows
:cool2: Cool2 Cool2
:talking: Talking Talking
:devil9: Devil9 Devil9
:yeah: Yeah Yeah
:afraid5: Afraid5 Afraid5
:look: Look Look
:barf5: Barf5 Barf5
:santa2: Santa2 Santa2
:smile1: Smile1 Smile1
:dead2: Dead2 Dead2
:furious: Furious Furious
:laugh1: Laugh1 Laugh1
:angry6: Angry6 Angry6
:rock2: Rock2 Rock2
:cat: Cat Cat
:sgtpepper Sgtpepper Sgtpepper
:cross6 Cross6 Cross6
:tongue10: Tongue10 Tongue10
:electric2 Electric2 Electric2
:hug1: Hug1 Hug1
:jail: Jail Jail
:angel1: Angel1 Angel1
:peace: Peace Peace
:blush1: Blush1 Blush1
:conehead: Conehead Conehead
:sun: Sun Sun
:devil8: Devil8 Devil8
:yawn3: Yawn3 Yawn3
:heart3: Heart3 Heart3
:afraid4: Afraid4 Afraid4
:lips3: Lips3 Lips3
:barf4: Barf4 Barf4
:santa1: Santa1 Santa1
:sleep3: Sleep3 Sleep3
:dead1: Dead1 Dead1
:uh1: Uh1 Uh1
:frog: Frog Frog
:kiss3: Kiss3 Kiss3
:angry5: Angry5 Angry5
:rock1: Rock1 Rock1
:burnt: Burnt Burnt
:scream6: Scream6 Scream6
:cross5: Cross5 Cross5
:tongue1: Tongue1 Tongue1
:electric1 Electric1 Electric1
:guitar1: Guitar1 Guitar1
:inlove7: Inlove7 Inlove7
:alien5: Alien5 Alien5
:party: Party Party
:birthday: Birthday Birthday
:faint1: Faint1 Faint1
:sssh: Sssh Sssh
:yawn2: Yawn2 Yawn2
:heart2: Heart2 Heart2
:afraid3: Afraid3 Afraid3
:lips2: Lips2 Lips2
:santa: Santa Santa
:sleep2: Sleep2 Sleep2
:dazed: Dazed Dazed
:tut: Tut Tut
:flower2: Flower2 Flower2
:kiss2: Kiss2 Kiss2
:angry4: Angry4 Angry4
:read: Read Read
:brush: Brush Brush
:scream5: Scream5 Scream5
:cross4: Cross4 Cross4
:thumbu2: ThumbU2 ThumbU2
:dunce2: Dunce2 Dunce2
:scream7: Scream7 Scream7
:inlove6: Inlove6 Inlove6
:alien4: Alien4 Alien4
:nono5: Nono5 Nono5
:clown2: Clown2 Clown2
:square: Square Square
:devil6: Devil6 Devil6
:yawn1: Yawn1 Yawn1
:lips1: Lips1 Lips1
:barf2: Barf2 Barf2
:sad3: Sad3 Sad3
:sleep1: Sleep1 Sleep1
:dance: Dance Dance
:tongue9: Tongue9 Tongue9
:flower1: Flower1 Flower1
:kiss1: Kiss1 Kiss1
:angry3: Angry3 Angry3
:rainbow4: Rainbow4 Rainbow4
:brainfart Brainfart Brainfart
:scream4: Scream4 Scream4
:cross3: Cross3 Cross3
:thumbu1: ThumbU1 ThumbU1
:dunce1: Dunce1 Dunce1
:faint2: Faint2 Faint2
:inlove5: Inlove5 Inlove5
:alien3: Alien3 Alien3
:bigeyes2: Bigeyes2 Bigeyes2
:spank: Spank Spank
:devil5: Devil5 Devil5
:xmastree: Xmastree Xmastree
:hammer2: Hammer2 Hammer2
:afraid1: Afraid1 Afraid1
:lightbulb Lightbulb Lightbulb
:barf1: Barf1 Barf1
:sad2: Sad2 Sad2
:skull2: Skull2 Skull2
:cyclops: Cyclops Cyclops
:tongue8: Tongue8 Tongue8
:flashing: Flashing Flashing
:king3: King3 King3
:angry2: Angry2 Angry2
:rainbow3: Rainbow3 Rainbow3
:bouncing3 Bouncing3 Bouncing3
:scream3: Scream3 Scream3
:thumbd: ThumbD ThumbD
:drunk: Drunk Drunk
:skip1: Skip1 Skip1
:inlove4: Inlove4 Inlove4
:alien2: Alien2 Alien2
:music1: Music1 Music1
:bigeyes1: Bigeyes1 Bigeyes1
:snake: Snake Snake
:devil4: Devil4 Devil4
:wink3: Wink3 Wink3
:hammer1: Hammer1 Hammer1
:confused: Confused Confused
:laugh7: Laugh7 Laugh7
:balloon: Balloon Balloon
:sad1: Sad1 Sad1
:clap3: Clap3 Clap3
:skull1: Skull1 Skull1
:cyberguy: Cyberguy Cyberguy
:tongue7: Tongue7 Tongue7
:fish: Fish Fish
:king2: King2 King2
:angry11: Angry11 Angry11
:rainbow2: Rainbow2 Rainbow2
:bouncing2 Bouncing2 Bouncing2
:cross1: Cross1 Cross1
:thinker: Thinker Thinker
:drool: Drool Drool
:muffin1: Muffin1 Muffin1
:inlove3: Inlove3 Inlove3
:alien1: Alien1 Alien1
:mrt: Mrt Mrt
:beer2: Beer2 Beer2
:smoking4: Smoking4 Smoking4
:devil3: Devil3 Devil3
:god: God God
:laugh6: Laugh6 Laugh6
:baby: Baby Baby
:rotate: Rotate Rotate
:clap2: Clap2 Clap2
:siesta: Siesta Siesta
:cry5: Cry5 Cry5
:tongue6: Tongue6 Tongue6
:fire2: Fire2 Fire2
:king1: King1 King1
:angry10: Angry10 Angry10
:rainbow1: Rainbow1 Rainbow1
:bouncing1 Bouncing1 Bouncing1
:scream1: Scream1 Scream1
:cool6: Cool6 Cool6
:teleport: Teleport Teleport
:dracula: Dracula Dracula
:coffee2: Coffee2 Coffee2
:inlove2: Inlove2 Inlove2
:afro2: Afro2 Afro2
:mooner: Mooner Mooner
:beer1: Beer1 Beer1
:smoking3: Smoking3 Smoking3
:devil2: Devil2 Devil2
:wink1: Wink1 Wink1
:girl2: Girl2 Girl2
:arrow: Arrow Arrow
:rolling4: Rolling4 Rolling4
:clap1: Clap1 Clap1
:cry4: Cry4 Cry4
:tongue5: Tongue5 Tongue5
:fire1: Fire1 Fire1
:karate: Karate Karate
:angel5: Angel5 Angel5
:queen: Queen Queen
:blush5: Blush5 Blush5
:santa5: Santa5 Santa5
:cool5: Cool5 Cool5
:teeth3: Teeth3 Teeth3
:dork2: Dork2 Dork2
:coffee1: Coffee1 Coffee1
:inlove1: Inlove1 Inlove1
:afro1: Afro1 Afro1
:monkey: Monkey Monkey
:beatup: Beatup Beatup
:devil10: Devil10 Devil10
:whip: Whip Whip
:girl1: Girl1 Girl1
:laugh4: Laugh4 Laugh4
:angry9: Angry9 Angry9
:rolling3: Rolling3 Rolling3
:churchill Churchill Churchill
:nono3: Nono3 Nono3
:tongue4: Tongue4 Tongue4
:fart: Fart Fart
:jumping: Jumping Jumping
:psycho: Psycho Psycho
:cool4: Cool4 Cool4
:teeth2: Teeth2 Teeth2
:dork1: Dork1 Dork1
:beer3: Beer3 Beer3
:ignore: Ignore Ignore
:afraid7: Afraid7 Afraid7
:mohawk2: Mohawk2 Mohawk2
:beammeup: Beammeup Beammeup
:santa4: Santa4 Santa4
:smoking1: Smoking1 Smoking1
:devil1: Devil1 Devil1
:wazzzup: Wazzzup Wazzzup
:ghost2: Ghost2 Ghost2
:laugh3: Laugh3 Laugh3
:angry8: Angry8 Angry8
:rolling2: Rolling2 Rolling2
:chef: Chef Chef
:nono2: Nono2 Nono2
:cry2: Cry2 Cry2
:tongue3: Tongue3 Tongue3
:eyepoke: Eyepoke Eyepoke
:joker: Joker Joker
:angel3: Angel3 Angel3
:ponytail: Ponytail Ponytail
:blush3: Blush3 Blush3
:cool3: Cool3 Cool3
:banana1: Banana1 Banana1
:hey: Hey Hey
:afraid6: Afraid6 Afraid6
:mohawk1: Mohawk1 Mohawk1
:batman: Batman Batman
:santa3: Santa3 Santa3
:smile2: Smile2 Smile2
:dead3: Dead3 Dead3
:wave2: Wave2 Wave2
:ghost1: Ghost1 Ghost1
:laugh2: Laugh2 Laugh2
:angry7: Angry7 Angry7
:chainsaw: Chainsaw Chainsaw
:nono1: Nono1 Nono1
:cry1: Cry1 Cry1
:tongue2: Tongue2 Tongue2
:jesus: Jesus Jesus
:angel2: Angel2 Angel2
:pimp: Pimp Pimp
:blush2: Blush2 Blush2


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