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View Profile: vincenthanna |
Apple Scruff
Last Activity: Oct 04, 2006 01:24 PM
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''...I learned very early in life that without a song the day would never end, without a song the road would never bend, without a song a man aint got a friend, without a song, so i'll keep singing a song...'' - Elvis Presley (1971) [Lifetime Achievement Award Speech]
''Before Elvis There Was Nothing'' - John Lennon
''I Doubt Very Much If The Beatles Would Have Even Happened If It Hadn't Been For Elvis'' - Paul McCartney |
Forum Info |
Contact Info |
vincenthanna has no contact information. |
Additional Information |
Group Memberships |
- Date of Birth:
- Apr 28, 1987
- Age:
- 37
- Biography:
- 18 years old
- Location:
- United Kingdom
- Interests:
- Elvis & The Beatles
- Name:
- Mark
- Favorite Beatle:
- John Lennon
- Favorite Beatles Song:
- everything
- Favorite Beatles Album:
- Rubber Soul / Revolver / Sgt Peppers lonely Hearts Club Band / White Album / Abbey Road
vincenthanna is not a member of any public groups
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