9 'til 5
Posted Jan 29, 2010 at 11:43 AM by Lucy
So often these days I'm left asking myself if it is me that is off my head or is it everyone else. Not that all people I have daily contact with are utterly lunatic, involving themselves in absolutely crazy antics or anything. It's more the little things that get said and done by some of them that have me wondering about it.
I am often surrounded by a loud group of people just about all of which I get on okay with (although I do find myself bitching about at least one of them everyday....don't judge me - you are thrown together with some people in your life whether you like it or not). The odd time when there has been a big run-in with any of them, it is common knowledge since it gets talked (or yelled) out and got over. Then when there has been a conflict between others, I have always known about it.
So why oh why is it that for the last two weeks there has been this divide forming? the "rules for some and not for others" thing has started to really grow. and now it seems to be seeping into other aspects of the working day.
Take for example the fact that for the last 4 days, there has been a ridiculous amount of discussion between 3 people all about the AWESOME plans they have together for the weekend. These 3 are the most unlikely of friends....just last week one of them had me caught for ages as she ripped into the girl behind her back. The rest of us haven't said anything about it - for me it has been because i don't care but perhaps for others it is because they feel left out of something which they might like to be a part of. Don't know why they would feel that way - not as if I would be paid for it so SEE YA LATER.
Anyway today finally one of these people who perhaps felt that he would like to be a part of this lame action spoke up.
"So the three of you are going to this thing tonight then?"
"why just the three of you? how is it that the three of you know the host?"
A fair question since one of them is 19, one is 31 and one is 42. One is totally into her looks and obsesses about her grooming more than even I do. The other lives for being a jock and getting a sweat on. The other is a brooding & sullen "I'm-so-misunderstood" character.
"oooh it just happened that way." Then - perhaps sensing the questioner's bewilderment - she added "You know, everyone is welcome. It's not invite only or anything".
Not that I would be remotely interested in joining in at all but I sat there on the other side of the room and thought to myself "how curious".
An open invitation for all those invited.
I am often surrounded by a loud group of people just about all of which I get on okay with (although I do find myself bitching about at least one of them everyday....don't judge me - you are thrown together with some people in your life whether you like it or not). The odd time when there has been a big run-in with any of them, it is common knowledge since it gets talked (or yelled) out and got over. Then when there has been a conflict between others, I have always known about it.
So why oh why is it that for the last two weeks there has been this divide forming? the "rules for some and not for others" thing has started to really grow. and now it seems to be seeping into other aspects of the working day.
Take for example the fact that for the last 4 days, there has been a ridiculous amount of discussion between 3 people all about the AWESOME plans they have together for the weekend. These 3 are the most unlikely of friends....just last week one of them had me caught for ages as she ripped into the girl behind her back. The rest of us haven't said anything about it - for me it has been because i don't care but perhaps for others it is because they feel left out of something which they might like to be a part of. Don't know why they would feel that way - not as if I would be paid for it so SEE YA LATER.
Anyway today finally one of these people who perhaps felt that he would like to be a part of this lame action spoke up.
"So the three of you are going to this thing tonight then?"
"why just the three of you? how is it that the three of you know the host?"
A fair question since one of them is 19, one is 31 and one is 42. One is totally into her looks and obsesses about her grooming more than even I do. The other lives for being a jock and getting a sweat on. The other is a brooding & sullen "I'm-so-misunderstood" character.
"oooh it just happened that way." Then - perhaps sensing the questioner's bewilderment - she added "You know, everyone is welcome. It's not invite only or anything".
Not that I would be remotely interested in joining in at all but I sat there on the other side of the room and thought to myself "how curious".
An open invitation for all those invited.
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- 9 'til 5 (Jan 29, 2010)
- 29 November (Nov 28, 2008)