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Japanese Beatles Supplemental

Posted May 09, 2008 at 06:48 PM by digdad
Updated May 11, 2008 at 09:00 AM by digdad
I thought I would give an update of a few more Beatles references I came across in my Japanese musical travels. One of these simply slipped my mind during the last blog entry, while two other I just noticed.

It took me so long to find out, but I found out

The slip of my mind involved the producer Kameda Seiji I mentioned before. I distinctly remember coming across a video somewhere on the internet from a studio session for Shiina Ringo’s cover album “Utaite Myoli,” but I have been unable to relocate it. This is the album I mentioned before that included covers of “Yer Blues” and “(Just Like) Starting Over.” The Beatles cover was on the first of the two disc set, which was produced by Kameda. In the video I remember seeing, Kameda wore a “War Is Over” T-shirt a la John Lennon. Well, I was able to track down a partially obscured image of this. It appears within the album art that came with the CD.

They’re gonna put me in the movies

Last blog entry, I mentioned that I would be on the lookout for Beatles references within videos. I came across a probable reference recently, actually another John Lennon reference, within the promotional video for the song “On The Sunny Side Of The Street” by Pizzicato Five. As bit of background, Pizzicato Five videos tend to be done in a similar style, with an artsy feel. Most have short catch-phrases flashed on the screen throughout over the action. The “Sunny Side” video was shot in New York, and shows a brief pan of the Statue of Liberty with the phrase “Sometime In New York City” over the image, in likely reference to the John Lennon album.

In his pocket is a portrait of the Queen

This next item had me doing a double take when I first saw it, and continues to have me searching for its history. I recently purchased the album “AmiYumi” by Puffy, which is a duo of Onuki Ami and Yoshimura Yumi. Inside the CD album art, I spotted this wonderful little image. It is a drawing signed by John Lennon, the picture showing John, Yoko, and little Sean holding a balloon. A blow up of the image shows an inscription at the top that reads “To Ohnuki-san, with thanks.” Below John’s signature is a date that looks to me like ’77, which would be consistent with a 2-year-old Sean in the drawing. This is clearly not made out to Ami, as she would have only been 4-years-old at the time—children would not have the “san” honorific which would be akin to Mr., Ms., or Mrs. The assumption is that John drew this for Ami’s father, but I know nothing about him. I am currently searching for a connection that he may have had to John and/or Yoko and will update this when I find something.

Mother Superior jumped the gun

Doesn't it figure? The day after I posted these, I came across one more. This one again involves Kameda Seiji, this time with his new side project called The Three, which he put together along with other artist/producers Hotei Tomoyasu and KREVA. The cover of their new release is done in a very familiar style to Beatles fans, copying the famous "With the Beatles"/"Meet the Beatles" covers.
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