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Pink Project live on a piece of ground in your home town.

Posted Mar 31, 2008 at 12:43 PM by Legs
Updated Mar 31, 2008 at 12:49 PM by Legs
Imagine Pink Floyd at the ufo club in the 60's, fast forward to the Wall concerts and everything in between. With the real Pink Floyd being defunct fans need other ways to fulfil their live needs. Thankfully both Roger Waters and David Gilmour are still touring, but Pink Projects recreates those old days when Pink Floyd was a four men band.

Founded in 1994 Pink Project started out by giving a series of concerts playing "The Wall". They also played "Dark Side of The Moon" on the 25th anniversary of that album. Using the same equipment, instruments, equalizers, microphones and such they set out to give fans a feeling of being at a real Pink Floyd concert, with a stage setup and lightshow, when the venue allowes it, deserving of the name Pink Floyd. Unfortunately, or perhaps not, the venue in which I saw them perform didn't have the capacity to allow for a very big lightshow but that put the focus more on the music, and that didn't disappoint. Staying away from the more well known numbers for the most part, we got a varried mix of songs from almost every Pink Floyd period. What I missed were not songs like "Money" or "The Wall", but songs from the Syd Barret era. But they did play some obsure songs like "Carefull with that Axe Eugene" and "Set the controls for the heart of the sun", reliving the psychedelic days.

The band was fantastic, if you didn't know better you'd thought you were at a Pink Floyd concert. The singer sounding like Roger Waters, every sneer and scream, perfect bass playing and a guitaris that really re-creates Dave Gilmours guitar style. Shivers down my spine listening to that beautiful guitar solo from "Comfortably Numb". My compliments also the the female vocalist. She has such a powerfull voice, making "Perfect Sense", a solo Roger Waters song, another highlight and there are many. They did a really good version of the Animals song "Pigs (three different ones)". With the bass pounding in my ears, they rocked harder then the real Pink Floyd ever did. That might be the only diference at times, but I am not sure what I prefer. In any case I really liked this version. "Echoes" was another shivers down the spine moment. It's one of my favourite Pink Floyd songs, and I was really happy to hear it. It's also an real highlight on the new David Gilmour dvd. What I did miss however was the beatiful harmonies in the song. The voices of David and Rick Wright really blend beautifully together, while it sounded like a double tracked Roger Waters on Saturday night. That was the only other thing I missed, a David Gilmour like voice. While you could be easily fooled while they were playing Roger Waters songs, Dave was surely not on stage.

"Wish You Were Here" had a troubled start, so we got a second attempt. But then we got a beautiful version of the song. The other complains aren't things you can blaim the band for. Some people just saw the concert as an excuse to get themselves drunk, while others thought that talking to their friends was more important then listening to the band. But all in all I had a great time and listening to the music with my eyes closed at time I really thought I was at a Pink Floyd concert, and that for 15 euro at almost my neighbours. I would have been a fool if I hadn't went to the concert. Great band, great show.

I can't remember the exact setlist but it's at least very close to the following.

Signs of life
In the flesh
Another brick pt1
One of these days
Hey you
High hopes
Perfect Sense (Roger Waters solo song)
Shine on you crazy diamond

Set 2
Pigs on the wing
Set the controls
Wish you were here
Be carfull with that axe
Take a breath (David Gilmour solo song)
Comfortably numb


Breathe in the air
Brain damage
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