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Shuffling part 1

Posted Jan 23, 2008 at 07:45 PM by digdad
Since this blog section is in place, I thought "Why not have fun with it?" Here I can ramble on a bit about things that interest me and not worry about disrupting the flow of a forum thread (not that it necessarily stopped me before). I set up a few categories to organize some short entries, or bloglets if you will. One category I set up I named Stochastic Processes (Raul knows what I mean). For this I had in mind a sort of catch-all place for the various random thoughts that capture my imagination. But just tonight, I decided to put my iPod on shuffle after putting the kids to bed, and I thought random play--random thoughts--perfect for the bloglet. (Yeah, it seems rather obvious now, but when the thought first hit, it seemed quite novel.) My idea is that as songs pop up randomly, I’ll write a little something about them—give a little background, something about the band, the song, a personal story—essentially I’ll try to answer the question “Why in hell is that on my iPod?” So here goes, pressing play...

“Ala Balad El Mahboub” by Oum Kalsoum on The Essential Guide To Arabia
This is a traditional Arabic song from North Africa. It’s off of a three-CD set that is really quite good. Disc 1 is traditional music, Disc 2 Algerian and Moroccan Rai, and Disc 3 modern, techno-esque/dance music (which actually includes some Rai). I bought this set for a dinner party that my wife and I hosted that had an Arabic theme—it turns out, most of the dishes we did were actually Turkish and not North African, but no one suspected a thing.

”Ivy” by the noodles on the album Ivy
This is one of the Japanese bands I listen to. They are an all female band, and their sound is greatly influenced by the Pixies and the Breeders. I first started searching them out because they worked closely with one of my favorite Japanese bands, the pillows.

”Patria Querida” by Los Guaracheros de Oriente with Ramon Veloz singing
This is real and “real good” Cuban music. This was actually a bargain CD I picked up at a store in the local mall for maybe $3.00. I had been listening to Buena Vista Social Club at the time and loved the Cuban Son sound. I figured, for 3 bucks let’s see if this is any good also. Well, I love the album. It’s got a great old time sound. I can just close my eyes and picture the palm trees and ’57 Chevys.

”Want to Sleep for…” by the pillows on Moon Gold
What do you know. I just mentioned the pillows and here they are. This is the first Japanese band I started listening to when a friend at work turned me on to them. This is one of their early albums. It has a distinctively Indie, almost garage band like sound, although it’s not at all gritty. It’s actually quite reminiscent of some old guitar-based New Wave. I actually prefer their later stuff which is much more alternative rock sounding, but this is still good.

”Gato Por Liebre” by Los Tres on Se Remata El Siglo
Los Tres are an excellent rock band from Chile. They are well respected in Latin Rock. Clean guitars, rocking tunes, great backbeat. The little James Bond guitar bit in the middle of this song makes me giggle. I remember first seeing these guys on Latin MTV while working in Mexico in the early 1990s. It was years later that I first got any of their music.

”Mr. Jones” by Los Rodriguez on Disco Pirata
It’s apparently Latin night at the Digdad household, or at least that’s what my iPod thinks. This band is two guys from Argentina and two guys from Spain. They formed in Spain after the economic crisis in Argentina. Basic, yet very good and catchy rock’n’roll. The first album by a Latin artist I bought was by them, and I played that cassette to death.

”Stalker Goes To Babylon” by the pillows on the "One Life" single
This single version has some interesting effects going on—almost like an electronically derived “Tomorrow Never Knows.” Don’t ask me what the title means, but listening to it I’m picturing a Matrix world. Take the blue pill wait, take the red…no the blue…wait, go for door number 3!

One more song for now.
”Dizzy Miss Lizzy” by the Beatles on The Alternate Help!
Apparently this is an instrumental backing track. To tell the truth, I always thought this song was a bit monotonous. It’s even more so as an instrumental. Stop the madness and scream for me John!!!!!

Okay, one more. Why not?
”Hot Corn Bread And Butter” by Roland Alphonso & Stanley Ribbs
An old Jamaican ska instrumental from 1961. A while back, I came across a whole bunch of mp3s on the web of old Jamaican ska tunes that someone had ripped from old, often scratchy 45 rpm singles from between 1960 and 1963. It’s a great little historical collection, and just the thing that makes the internet a wonderland.

Wow. That’s quite long for a bloglet. It’s downright blogisimo.
Total Comments 7


Jerry's Avatar
Well, I must not be very worldly. Because I've never heard of any song you just listed. Or any band for that matter. Except of course the obvious. What's wrong with me...
Posted Jan 24, 2008 at 09:57 AM by Jerry Jerry is offline
oldbeatlechick's Avatar
If there's something wrong with your worldliness Jerry, then there is definitely something wrong with me too, I only recognise the boys' band too!! Oh well there you go we have learnt something new, I'll go and look some of those up later! Hahahahaha!
Posted Jan 24, 2008 at 01:33 PM by oldbeatlechick oldbeatlechick is offline
Updated Jan 24, 2008 at 01:33 PM by oldbeatlechick
Legs's Avatar
Obviously you have a broad taste in music, but no I haven't heard of any of those artists as well. But to your relief I think, you can forget that version of Dizzy Miss Lizzy cause it's a fake.
Posted Jan 24, 2008 at 02:13 PM by Legs Legs is offline
jesgear's Avatar
You admitted to being a giggler.

I'm not big on world music. But I bought the Buena Vsta Social Club movie on videotape and kinda dug it; maybe I'll buy the CD some day.

I like your idea of Shuffling and may do the same sometime.
Posted Jan 24, 2008 at 02:24 PM by jesgear jesgear is offline
I'm sure there's nothing wrong with your wordliness Jerry and OBC. It just happens I really enjoy my world music collections, and the random mode was simply hitting on this stuff for some reason (it's far from random). If you really are interested in looking up some of this, I'll let you in on the often overlooked place where I get most of it: the public library. Simply amazing what you can find there on the world music front.

Good to know that was a fake, Legs. It was really missing something without the vocals.
Posted Jan 24, 2008 at 02:27 PM by digdad digdad is offline
beatlelover45223's Avatar
I get a lot of my music from the public library too digdad! They have a tremendous selection of music!
Posted Jan 27, 2008 at 07:14 PM by beatlelover45223 beatlelover45223 is offline
JustAJealousGuy's Avatar
Nothing at all wrong with your "worldliness" digdad. I personally don't use iPods..can't stand the thingy in me bloody ears.
I do, however, have an eclectic mix of tunes on me PC and I very good set of speakers if I do say so meself (and I think I just did)
I've heard a fair bit of Latin music, including El Tre, Los Lobos and even a wee bit 'O "ranchero" music. But I always find meself comin' back to the music of me youth....Dunno what it is but I suspect it has something to do with the 4x4 beat rather than the unfamiliar 3x3 rhthym of the other.
Aside from the obvious Beatles tunes, I find meself listening to Simply Red (Mick Hucknell is brilliant) Raul Midon, Robin Thick and the amazing new vocalist, Adam Lambert.
Speaking of which...Lambert was highly influenced by Queen, Bowie, Led Zep and MANY other UK bands from back in the day.
You shoulda heard him at the EMAs in November. He sang a 3-song Queen Medley with Brian May & Roger Taylor in Dublin and people round the world were simply gobsmacked!
Anyway, it's me first foray into responding on this site so 'ta and happy blogging with yer bloglets etc! *doffs hat** ;D
Posted Dec 14, 2011 at 08:21 AM by JustAJealousGuy JustAJealousGuy is offline
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