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Kosovo or Albania two

Posted Feb 20, 2008 at 09:44 AM by Legs
Updated Feb 20, 2008 at 09:44 AM by Legs
Around the world there are many people who don't have their own states. Kurds for example, or what about Chechnya. Still while they are largly forgotten Albanians with the help from the U.S. got their second states.

For as long as I remember Kosovo was an Serbian province, not an republic like Serbia and the other 5 states that once made up Yugoslavia. Ofcourse they claim that Kosovo is an unique case and can't be compared to Republic Srpska in Bosnia for example, since Bosnia is an sovereign country, well so is Serbia.

The independence of Kosovo shows that the U.N. and international law means nothing. In effect minorities everywhere can proclaim independence. All they have to do is not recognize the state they live in, make sure they are a majority in a part of that state, a province or region for example, and cause problems by driving out the original population and killing police officers.

Kosovo isn't a real state, and it never will be. Not only because of it was always part of Serbia, but also because of the Albianians themselves. While out celebrating they didn't show their own flag, instead they were waving with U.S. flags and the Albanian one which they don't want to give up despite the fact that Kosovo is supose to be another country.

Ofcourse something had to be done, and Serbs weren't always innocent throughout the history. But without making it myself to easy, Milosovic was wrong to revoke the autonomous status it once had and use that much violence, independence really isn't the way.

The U.S. administration will say that talking didn't work, but what do you expect when they promised the albanians before the talks even started that they get an second independend state if the talks would fail. Ofcourse the Albanian side didn't feel the need to really talk because in the end they would get what they wanted anyway. Albanians also claim ofcourse that they once had an autonomous status and that was taken away, so they don't trust the Serbian side anymore. However times are different and this would have been an internationally agreed upon status, so there would have been no chance for Belgrade to take away that status again. However all that is to late, lots ot countries have recognised Kosovo already. While Europe is divided over the issue, I see no way of reversing the procces. Most important are the remaining Serbs who live in Kosovo. International protection couldn't prevent even more attacks from Albanians, and more Serbs have fled the province since KFOR moved in. I can't see how independence will improve their conditions. Lots need to be done by the Albanians and international comunity to gain their trust. Kosovo is their land and they must remain, however i fear the worse for them.
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And ofcourse palestinians can finnally have their own state to, or not Mr. Bush?

-B92 News World World

"Palestinians inspired by Kosovo
20 February 2008 | 15:38 | Source: Reuters, BBC
RAMALLAH -- A senior Palestinian official has said the Palestinians ought to unilaterally declare a state.

Yasser Abed Rabbo is a top aide to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and a member of the team currently negotiating with Israeli officials.

He said the Palestinians deserved independence more than Kosovo."

And he is absolutly right.
Posted Feb 20, 2008 at 10:06 AM by Legs Legs is offline
FPSHOT's Avatar
I am somewhat confused about this situation.

Kosovo is/was a province of Serbia however with an own parliament. The parliament has voted for an independance on Febr. 17th.

Kosovo's parliament now is pressing ahead with the rapid adoption of packages of law required to establish the framework of independence. A key item is the adoption of a new constitution.

The territory's majority ethnic Albanians are following a plan drawn up by UN special envoy Martti Ahtisaari for "supervised independence", which was rejected by Serbia. Under the plan, a 120-day transitional period will follow the declaration and independence will then come into effect.

Russia has claimed that there is no legal ground for this 'seperation'. Russia said that since Kosovo was under supervison of the UN and the Security Council has to approve this separation. Russia has a veto-right position in the Security Council but there has not been any such meeting for voting or discussing. That is at least what I read about it.

The Serb government claims Kosovo has no right to go independent. I am not informed well enough on this and that is where my confusion is now.

Does the Kosovo parliament have the individual right to simply do this vote without any involvement from Serbia of which they are/were part.

Now many parties are protesting and for now based on what I have read and heard, I can understand that.

It's like when Schwarzenegger would make a vote round and decide that California will continue as a separate nation? (Mind you..that would not be a bad idea)

I also understand Russia's concern because now that this happens, others in the region will see this as an example.

I also understand the many protests from for instance the Serb population towards nations that have already recognized the Kosovo independence, like the USA, whilst as far as I can read the actual separation has not even taken place (the 120 days UN transitional period?). They are like "who the heck are you".

I have seen a map of Kosovo where the minority of Serbs living in Kosovo is drawn. That really is a poor minority. I also read that the Serbs see Kosovo as their religious and cultural heartland. How come only so few Serbs live there, is that due to the last war?

So Legs, I am a bit confused still.

A really horrid horrid reaction was written by the Washington Post after the Serb riots last week where they write that it shows the Serbs deserved the 1999 bombings. It is really unbelievable that can be written and published.

Maybe Legs you want to shine some light on my confusion?
Posted Feb 26, 2008 at 07:14 PM by FPSHOT FPSHOT is offline
Legs's Avatar
Right now I need to take a step back from it all.
I've managed two whole days without watching news and goint to Serbian and Albanian news sites. Feeling at one point very angry about it all, and at the other relieved and hoping the rest of Serbia can move on without Kosovo constantly being the focus of atention.

But in regards on why there are not many Serbs left in Kosovo, there are a serveral reasons. During world war II Kosovo was for a brief moment independence, or at least not part of Serbia. After World war II when Kosovo was returned to Serbia, Albanians already had the upperhand with many Serbs that fled the province. High albanian birth rate, worse economical situation and a silent but effective campain agains Serbs living in Kosovo saw the number of Serbs drop even furture. Ofcourse after the U.N. took over even more Serbs were leaving, and in 2004 after a rumour that serbs had chased an albanian kid who drowned in a river, there were more attacks on Serbs with many churches being destroyed and more Serbs who left to the rest of Serbia. The rumour proved to be false and KFOR claimed that there were no Serbs involved.
Posted Feb 28, 2008 at 12:05 AM by Legs Legs is offline
FPSHOT's Avatar
I understand Legs.

I recall that rumour indeed.... how very sad that was

Thanks for explaining.
Posted Feb 28, 2008 at 12:26 AM by FPSHOT FPSHOT is offline
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